- Slow rotation,
- High temperatures and corrosive process water ingress.
Dropsa has brought innovation to Grease system design, reliability and monitoring to traditional Casting applications. In this application example – a traditional grease system – high reliability and ease of maintenance was achieved by using both modular pump package and modular divider valves. A flow monitoring system allows the user to know exactly how much grease is being injected in each segment of the machine
System Overview:
Total Number of Points: from 50 to 600
Lubricant: COLD: KPLK-20 ; HOT: KHC25
Total Grease Volume per cycle: 0,25 ÷3cm³/point
Operating Frequency: from 2h to 4h
Length of system: min 25mt, max 150mt
This case application was implemented using :
Benefits achieved
System design
System media