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DropsA Autolube Western Canada


Industrial Autolube has been in business since 2005, a DropsA distributor the whole time.

DropsA Industrial Autolube
have 35 years experience in the automated lubrication industry and specialized in Saw Guide Lubrication Systems and are an industry leader in reducing both Water and Oil consummed.

Our Primary industries served are:
- Forestry (Sawmills, Plywood / OSB. MDF, Pulp and Paper, Wood Pellet)
- Mining
- Oil and Gas
- Food Processing

Our Customer Services include:
- Systems Design        
- Installation
- Servicing/Troubleshooting


Customer Services

Dean Maier - President


DropsA Autolube Western Canada

#1-6221 46th Ave 
Red Deer, AB
T4N 6Z1
T: 1(403) 754-3646 